Our HerStories Youth Competition encouraged young citizens from Poland, Greece, Spain, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany to send us their digital projects such as short films, podcasts and graphic novels. We received 49 projects, which were reviewed by an international jury and judged by creativity, historical accuracy and storytelling. The winners from each country are invited to a weekend in Budapest (May 31 - June 1), where a official award ceremony will be taking place.
Take a closer look at the winning projects here:
Germany: Not only to survive, but to flourish
Podcast by Liliane, Lilja & Amelie
School: Gymnasium Essen-Werden
Poland: Girl with black braid
Film by Mateusz, Alicija & Wiktoria
School: II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. K. K. Baczyńskiego w Świdniku
Spain: An Angel Saved Me: The life of Eva Leitman
Graphic story by Leia, Mireia, Mar, Germán, Patricia
School: Colegio Martí Sorolla II
Czechia: Strach Evičky Pickové / Evička Picková's fear
Film by Bàra, Anna & Johana
School: Gymnázium Bohumila Hrabala v Nymburce
Hungary: Júlia Gruber
Film by Jázmin B., Nóra, Viktor, Zoltán, Márton, Luca, Jázmin C.
Tisza-parti Általános Iskola, Szeged
Greece: Tribute to Sarah Yeshua-Forti
Podcast by Antigoni, Asimina & Theodora
School: 7th Geniko Lykeio Thessalonikis
Slovakia: Ľudmila Rutarová
Film by Tamara, Nad’a & Nicola
School: Základná škola Bernolákova 16, Košice