The student workshop "Weaving my own thread" on the occasion of the exhibition "HerStories. In the footsteps of Jewish women of Europe", organized in the framework of the EU project HerStories, took place at the Jewish Museum of Greece on Wednesday 22 May 2024 with the participation of 34 students from the 4th Junior Highschool of Aspropyrgos.

In this participatory and interactive workshop, the students, after learning through a short presentation by the facilitator, Anna Pantelakou, about the subject of the exhibition, the seven women and the curation of the exhibition, were divided into five groups. Each group had their own ball of yarn, post-it notes, small pegs and markers, and were invited to explore the exhibition as it unfolded in the museum space. Tying their yarn to the handrail of the museum stairs, each group "wove" their own storyline of the exhibition, hanging pieces of paper on the yarn where they had written phrases of the women, notes about their lives and those of Jews in Europe, and things that impressed them about the exhibition. In this way, the students became the tour guides of the exhibition themselves.  

In the second part of the workshop, after touring the entire exhibition, the five groups gathered on the top floor of the exhibition and each group painted a white blouse with words and mottos as a statement about the theme of the exhibition and the lives of the seven women, inspired by Lisa Pinhas' blouse. At the end, each team presented its T-shirt and shared a message with the other teams. The T-shirts were given to the students as a memento for their classroom. The installation of the workshop will remain at the Jewish Museum of Greece until the end of the project.

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